The best way to get vehicle  data| specs| plate decoding| market value| history|

Developer first tools to provide vehicle specs, market value, license plate decoding, history and more!
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Only pay for what you need

The API gives you the option to choose which products you would like to integrate in your service and only pay for those.

  • Vehicle Specifications, Market Value, License Plate Decoder, Images API
  • Vehicle history reports
  • Super fast response

For the love of developers

We believe that accessing vehicle information is a problem rooted in code. We obsessively seek out elegant, writable abstractions that enable robust, scalable, flexible integrations. Because we eliminate needless complexity and extraneous details, you can get up and running with CarsXE API in just a couple of minutes. Make it so simple it's disgusting.

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Our Products

We're in the business of democratizing vehicle data. Constantly innovating for better data at better rates.

Vehicle Specifications

Data covered in the API includes attributes, color options, equipment details, recall information, warranties, and photos. If none of these attributes are added to the include only attributes and selections will be returned.

specs attributes equipment
Vehicle Plate Decoder

The Vehicle Plate Decoder API looks up the vehicle through the database for matches and returns the VIN, make, model and year among other attributes. It can be coupled with other APIs to become even more powerful.

license plate VIN specs
Vehicle Market Value

The Vehicle Market Value API estimates the market value for used and new cars by VIN based on millions of historical vehicle sales stored in CarsXE's sales database.

marketing product launch
Vehicle History

The Vehicle History API returns a comprehensive set of history records for used and new cars by VIN based on millions of historical vehicle sales stored in CarsXE's sales database.

history odometer insurance
Plate Recognition

The plate recognition API provides accurate recognition of license plates from images. The API is trained on license plates from over 100 countries and states.

plate ml image
What Car Is That? API

The What Car Is That? API given an image (link or base64 string) uses machine learning to identify the particular make, model, year, and body style of the car in the image from over 3000 vehicles!

recognition ml vehicle
Vehicle Images

The Vehicle Plate Decoder API looks up the vehicle through the database for matches and returns the VIN, make, model and year among other attributes. It can be coupled with other APIs to become even more powerful.

high quality exterior interior
car on apple watch

Integrative System

The power of the API enables you to integrate it to any device or application that can connect to the internet.

Our customers

The possibilities are endless. From tracking vehicle analytics in your company, energy, insurance, media, ride hailing and hospitality the use cases grow the more you think.

Chances are your business can benefit from the CarsXE API. The tools provided give you insights into vehicle specifications, market value, ownership cost, vehicle history and quick look ups. The robust API utilizes a variety of sources for your ease of use.

A beautiful API for an impactful data rich environment.

Build something

We're always improving our API, seeking out more sources for accurate up to date information and expanding our feature set every day. You need a vehicle API you can rely on.

Building tools

With a wide array of services to choose from CarsXE API gives you the tools you want when you want.

Grow your market

A simple cost structure, you only pay for what you need. Empower your business with pertinent data.

Launch time

Fast integration into almost any application and an even faster API response time.